Linking Together the WordPress Community

Background Reading

Business Networks

About two years ago, I asked Matt Mullenweg a question. Basically, I suggested WordPress ought to recognize its role as an open source search engine, and to realize that this is something the world actually desperately needs. There’s a video of the Q&A event in Paris on the homepage of, and I created a deep link to my particular question here.

To summarize, Matt’s
answer was excellent. He addressed all of the main relevant issues
with great technical expertise. And he also addressed one of the main
critical shortcomings – and so that issue is something I want to
address here.

Matt acknowledged that “You could have sites that tie together better than they do today”.

In the following, I want to compartmentalize various aspects of the WordPress community. By and large, WordPress consists of humans and technology – and also the interactions between some humans and other…

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